Graduated from a bachelor’s degree in law from University Panthéon Assas, Elise Coerchon Alcindor furthered her knowledge by obtaining two Master 1 degrees, one in Criminal Law from the University of Bordeaux in 2019, and the other in Intellectual Property Law from University Paris-Saclay in 2020. She enhanced her academic trajectory by obtaining a University Diploma (DU) in Criminology. Subsequently, in 2021, she successfully completed two Master’s degrees, one in Procedural Law from IED Paris 8 and the other in Intellectual Property Law from University Paris-Saclay, accomplished through an apprenticeship at the Sellier Division of Maison Hermès.
In November 2023, Elise joined the law firm JP Karsenty. Her expertise spans trademark law, designs and models, patent law, and copyright, as well as unfair competition and parasitism.
Within the firm, she handles both advisory and litigation cases involving national and international clients.
Additionally, Elise assists clients in negotiating and drafting commercial contracts, both in French and English.