
Jean-Philippe Arroyo

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Jean-Philippe Arroyo has been a partner of JP Karsenty for more than 10 years, after 9 years as an associate in the firm.

He mainly advises on competition law, distribution law, contracts, consumer law and intellectual property law, as well as on new information technologies and personal data protection.

Jean-Philippe Arroyo acts in these areas for French and foreign clients in a variety of sectors (tech, automotive/motorcycle, luxury goods, fashion, retail, health, toys, wine, etc.), and assists companies ranging from French SMEs to a US tech giant. 

In both his litigation and advisory work, Jean-Philippe Arroyo, with the help of his team, always strives to find effective, creative and well-thought-out solutions and arguments for the benefit of his clients.

To feed his work and creativity as well as to share his thoughts and knowledge, he has written several articles in his fields of expertise, and regularly speaks at conferences and training sessions.

In the same spirit of exchange, sharing, experience and with the objective of discovering different cultures and ways of thinking and working, he is a member of several legal associations, in his fields of expertise, and at the international level. In particular, he is Deputy Secretary General and Member of the Executive Board of AFEC (Competition law association), Honorary Secretary General of AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers), Member of AFCDP (Data protection law association), and of IDI (International Distribution Institute).


  • LLM Commercial and Corporate Law – University of London, London School of Economics
  • DJCE (certificate of specialisation in economic law) – DESS business law, Magistère de juriste d’affaires -University of Paris II


  • French
  • English


International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)
Association Française d’Etude de la Concurrence (AFEC) – Deputy General Secretary and Member of the Executive Committee
International League of Competition Law (LIDC)
Association Française des Correspondants à la Protection des Données Personnelles (AFCDP)
International Distribution Institute (IDI)
New York State Bar Association (NYSBA)
Association pour le Développement de l’Informatique Juridique (ADIJ)

Publications and Interventions


The Paris Court of appeal rules that it has jurisdiction over a “significantly imbalanced practice” action brought by the French minister for the economy against foreign companies

June 2024

Droit international privé et pratiques commerciales déloyales : regards croisés - Revue Lamy de la concurrence

May 2024

The significant imbalance practice in international disputes: for a consistent approach between actions by private parties and actions by the administration - Concurrences

November 2023

Le déséquilibre significatif dans les litiges internationaux : pour une approche cohérente entre actions de parties privées et actions de l’administration - Revue Lamy de la concurrence

2019 to 2024

La mise en œuvre par la victime des pratiques restrictives de concurrence- Lamy Droit Économique, Wolters Kluwer


Rupture brutale des relations commerciales établies dans les litiges internationaux : vers un régime unifié de la qualification de l’action ? » Lamy, pages 21 et seq.


RGPD et Marketing : de la contrainte à l’opportunité » - Editeur E-Thèque,


Actualité et influence du droit européen des pratiques commerciales déloyales entre professionnels - Contrats- Concurrence - Consommation - Revue mensuelle LexisNexis jurisclasseur - pages 74 et seq.


Distribution and Agency - Chapitre relatif à la France - Getting the Deal Through


Erin Brockovich turns European : is there an interest for class actions ? » - General report part, WOLTERS KLUWER - ebook


La responsabilité des réseaux sociaux en cas de violation des données personnelles »- Revue LAMY RLDI, Droit de l’immatériel, n°109, pages 77 et seq.


Une couleur unique peut-elle ou doit-elle être protégée à titre de marque dans le domaine de la mode ? Etude comparée des affaires LOUBOUTIN aux Etats-Unis et en France »-Propriété Industrielle, pages 14 et seq.


« Les délais de paiement entre professionnels » - Semaine Juridique, Édition générale 2011, pages 286 et seq.


Applicabilité de la loi pénale française aux casinos en ligne : les sites « illégaux » le sont-ils réellement ? - Revue Droit pénal


Dépassement des délais de paiement « plafonds » de la LME : une sanction automatique ? -Recueil Dalloz 2009, pages 2499 et seq.


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